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Events and news

Find out about 3Rs events and news in France and around the world. If you want to submit a news item, an event or a topical issue, leave us a message.


15.01.25 WEBINAIRE Responsible Research Webinar - Opening up animal science: A guide to open research practices for animal scientists Online

During this webinar Anna (Research Culture Manager) will discuss a range of open research practices that researchers working within the animal sciences can use to enhance how open and reproducible their work is.

16.01.25 WEBINAIRE DU FC3R Techniques de génotypage non-invasif des animaux de laboratoire En ligne

Rencontrez des experts innovant dans le génotypage non-invasif des animaux de laboratoire. Explorez leurs techniques et bénéficiez également d'un aperçu sur les méthodes d'identification modernes.

23.01.25 22e symposium de la ComTech La douleur : Tous concernés ! Paris (France) et en distanciel

Cet événement contribuera à renforcer les connaissances et compétences déjà présentes au sein de notre communauté scientifique composée entre autres de techniciens et de zootechniciens de laboratoire.


Refining post-operative housing for social animals


A research engineer has developed a protective cover that allows these social animals to be housed together.

FC3R 'Research' 3Rs Prize 2024


For his publication on the development of biorobotic and in silico heart models, the FC3R has awarded its first 'Research' 3Rs Prize to Fabien Kawecki.

FC3R 'Culture of care' 3Rs Prize 2024


The FC3R has awarded its first 'Culture of care' 3Rs Prize to Fabrice Reigner for the commitment of his horse team to the 3Rs over the past 20 years.

Exavir, to reduce the use of animals in higher education


A software program that allows pharmacy students to reduce the use of animals while optimizing their learning.

Micropipette-guided drug delivery method: a 3R alternative


Discover a more humane 3R compliant method with micropipette-guided drug delivery (MDA) for laboratory rodents.

A serious game for training ethics committee members on NAMs


In partnership with Altertox, FC3R organised an edutainment workshop based on an innovative serious game, the TATAbox.

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