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3Rs news and events

Find out about 3Rs events and news in France and around the world. If you want to submit a news item, an event or a topical issue, leave us a message.


03.10.24 Congress 6th Annual European Veterinary Congress of EVCBMAW Paris (France)

The main topic will be An Interdisciplinary approach to Behavioural Medicine, Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law but all topics related to veterinary behavioural medicine, ethology, animal welfare, ethics and law are welcome.

04.10.24 Webinaire AFSTAL/GIRCOR Poissons et 3Rs : mieux comprendre les implications de la directive déléguée (UE) 2024/1262 de la Commission Européenne du 13 mars 2024 En ligne

Détailler les modifications apportées à la directive 2010/63/UE en ce qui concerne les exigences relatives aux soins et à l’hébergement des poissons utilisés à des fins scientifiques.

08.10.24 FIN3R WEBINAR French Centre for the 3Rs: implementing the 3Rs, promoting of open science and improving the quality of Research Online

Which will be presented by Athanassia Sotiropoulos, PhD, director of the French 3R center(FC3R).


Micropipette-guided drug delivery method: a 3R alternative


Discover a more humane 3R compliant method with micropipette-guided drug delivery (MDA) for laboratory rodents.

A serious game for training ethics committee members on NAMs


In partnership with Altertox, FC3R organised an edutainment workshop based on an innovative serious game, the TATAbox.

48th Afstal annual conference


The Afstal annual conference took place in Lille from 12 to 14 June 2024. Explore the key highlights of the event, which focused on the theme “On the road to tomorrow's research”.

Consciousness and pain in insects


Recent studies on insect pain have highlighted new perspectives for these invertebrates in the context of animal experimentation.

New French research program on organs and organoids on chips


Presentation of the French research program PEPR MED-OoC for personalized medicine on chips and reduced animal testing.

EDA, a complete training program proposed by Inserm


Inserm offers a complete EDA course to train researchers and reinforce their skills in experimental design.

a training

a Short Note