The management board
The FC3R management board ensures the coordination and the animation of the activity of the scientific interest group through its director and its operational team.
The FC3R scientific interest group (GIS) structures its activity around a steering committee (COPIL), a management board, a scientific committee (SC) and an advisory board/think-tank (COR).
The steering committee (COPIL), chaired by Didier Samuel (Inserm), is composed of a representative of each founding member of the scientific interest group and invited members. Its main role is to decide, on the proposal of the management board, the group’s strategies of the group and the actions to be implemented in terms of training, engineering, support for projects, communication, or relations with the public. It is also responsible for discussing and approving the annual program of activities, deliberating on the projected statement of revenues and expenditures, and ensuring its execution at the end of the fiscal year. It also examines the proposals of the COR and its recommendations
The FC3R management board ensures the coordination and the animation of the activity of the scientific interest group through its director and its operational team.
Athanassia Sotiropoulos
Athanassia Sotiropoulos is a doctor in biology and a research director at Inserm. She was first interested in cell signaling and then in the understanding of skeletal muscle plasticity. She develops her projects at Institut Cochin (Inserm/CNRS/UdPC) in Paris. She took over the direction of FC3R in November 2021.
Susana Gomez
Susana is an Inserm engineer, and a veterinarian interested in animal protection. She discovered laboratory animal medicine during her studies in Chile. She actively participates in the development of the 3Rs, in professional projects, training and via scientific popularization to the general public. She is responsible for training at FC3R.
Doris-Lou Demy
Doctor in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Doris Lou has developed throughout her career a real passion for the 3Rs and the ethical considerations related to animal experimentation. As a result, she has served on several committees for ethics in animal experimentation and animal welfare structures, and in 2014 founded a national laboratory animal replacement organization, White Rabbit.
Marc Le Bert
A CNRS research engineer, Marc Le Bert defended his thesis at the Collège de France (1992, F. Gros) in Paris. Passionate and an expert in genetic engineering (U114 CdF, TAAM, INEM) and inflammatory models (INEM), the 3Rs are at the core of his values in project management. For the FC3R, he sets up the project engineering and the collection of unpublished data.
Véronique Legrand
After initial experience in market research, Véronique Legrand joined the public research sector and specialized in digital communication where she became head of the web service at Inserm. As a Inserm research engineer, she joined the FC3R team to set up communication actions.
Stéphane Dorschner
Stéphane Dorschner holds a DESS in information and communication engineering and joined the Genoscope in Evry in 2002. He was in charge of developing the web presence of the Réseau national des genopoles (RNG), designing and monitoring the online ordering module for DNA slides. He joined the CEA in 2007 and has overseen the development of projects and web services for IBiSA, France Génomique and, since April 2022, the online services of the FC3R scientific interest group.
Laurence Le Deu
Laurence Le Deu holds two BTS (Esthetics-Cosmetics and Management Assistant) and a diploma of animator-trainer. After 12 years of experience as a store manager in the cosmetics industry, she decided to become a management assistant. She joined the FC3R team in December 2022 to take charge of the administrative and financial management of the GIS.
Emeline Deslandes
Emeline holds a BTS in Business Administration. After working in the private sector in an accountancy and law firms, she joined the FC3R team in November 2024. She is in charge of the budgetary and financial management of GIS calls for projects.
Sophie, Libra Science
Biochemist and scientific journalist, Sophie is the head of the scientific communication agency Libra Science. She has been working for more than 14 years with major public and private players in research and innovation. She contributed to the design and creation of the FC3R website and is regularly in charge of various communication missions for the GIS.
Appointed by the COPIL, the FC3R scientific committee (SC) is composed of experts in different scientific fields (modeling/numerical approaches, alternative methods, various model organisms) of interest for the application of the 3R principle. It is the evaluation, selection, and expertise body for all the activities of the scientific interest group that require it (training, research projects, 3R prize, negative results, or unpublished data).
The advisory board (COR) is a body for scientific, philosophical and societal reflection on the definition and scope of application of the 3Rs principle. It is competent on all questions related to the use of animals for scientific purposes and on animal ethics. It is composed of French and international personalities designated by the COPIL and is chaired by Louis Schweitzer. It includes one third of members from civil society (animal rights associations, patients' associations, professional associations, public figures), one third of representatives from the human and social sciences (philosophers, lawyers, sociologists) and one third of scientists involved in life science research.
The reflections of the COR are shared with civil society through consultations,conferences and reports.
a training
a Short Note