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FC3R governance

The FC3R scientific interest group (GIS) structures its activity around a steering committee (COPIL), a management board, a scientific committee (SC) and an advisory board/think-tank (COR).

The steering committee

The steering committee (COPIL), chaired by Didier Samuel (Inserm), is composed of a representative of each founding member of the scientific interest group and invited members. Its main role is to decide, on the proposal of the management board, the group’s strategies of the group and the actions to be implemented in terms of training, engineering, support for projects, communication, or relations with the public. It is also responsible for discussing and approving the annual program of activities, deliberating on the projected statement of revenues and expenditures, and ensuring its execution at the end of the fiscal year. It also examines the proposals of the COR and its recommendations

Composition of the COPIL

Didier Samuel (Inserm), Chair Bruno Lucas (CNRS) Claire Rougeulle (Institut Curie) Carole Caranta (INRAE) Anne-Isabelle Etienvre (CEA) Michael Nilges (Institut Pasteur) Michel Dojat (Inria) Patrick Decherchi (France Universités) Serban Morosan (UDICE) Laurence Pinson (MESR), Guest Laurent Pinon (MESR), Guest Tiffany Boyer (MASA), Guest

The management board

The FC3R management board ensures the coordination and the animation of the activity of the scientific interest group through its director and its operational team.

Athanassia Sotiropoulos

Susana Gomez

Doris-Lou Demy

Marc Le Bert

Véronique Legrand

Stéphane Dorschner

Laurence Le Deu

Emeline Deslandes

Sophie, Libra Science

The scientific committee

Appointed by the COPIL, the FC3R scientific committee (SC) is composed of experts in different scientific fields (modeling/numerical approaches, alternative methods, various model organisms) of interest for the application of the 3R principle. It is the evaluation, selection, and expertise body for all the activities of the scientific interest group that require it (training, research projects, 3R prize, negative results, or unpublished data).

Composition of the SC

Audrey Ferrand (Inserm), Chair Irene Balelli (Inria) Nancy Claude (Académie nationale de pharmacie) Adrien Coulet (Inria) Julien Courchet (Inserm) Kathrin Gieseler (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) Nina Griffiths (ex-CEA) Julie Hervé (Oniris) Saadia Kerdine-Römer (Université Paris-Saclay) Cécile Legallais (CNRS) Antoine Muchir (Inserm) Bertrand Pain (INRAE) Sabrina Ravel (CNRS) Frédéric Sohm (INRAE)

Advisory board/Think-tank (COR)

The advisory board (COR) is a body for scientific, philosophical and societal reflection on the definition and scope of application of the 3Rs principle. It is competent on all questions related to the use of animals for scientific purposes and on animal ethics. It is composed of French and international personalities designated by the COPIL and is chaired by Louis Schweitzer. It includes one third of members from civil society (animal rights associations, patients' associations, professional associations, public figures), one third of representatives from the human and social sciences (philosophers, lawyers, sociologists) and one third of scientists involved in life science research.

The reflections of the COR are shared with civil society through consultations,conferences and reports.

Composition of the COR

Louis Schweitzer (LFDA), ChairCivil society Roland Cash (Transcience) Loïc Dombreval (ex-député) Patrick Gonin (Opal) Franziska Grein (PETA SCI) Valérie Lemarchandel (FRM)Humanities and social sciences Laurent Bègue-Shankland (Université de Grenoble) Valérie Chansigaud (Université Paris-Cité, CNRS) Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier (CNRS) Maxence Gaillard (UC Louvain) Benoit Grison (Université d'Orléans)Scientists Élodie Bouchoux (Sanofi) Frédérique Clément (Inria) Stéphanie Descroix (CNRS) Marc Dhenain (CNRS) Pierre Mormède (INRAE, président du CNREEA)

a training

a Short Note