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Breaking new ground: in-depth exploration of neural organoids at the Jacques Monod Institute

A recent symposium by the enSCORE platform explored the multifaceted world of neural organoids, highlighting the latest advances in understanding of the nervous system development, and emphasizing the creation of innovative organoid models to study neurological disorders.


© enSCORE platform


On January 18th, 2024, the FC3R hosted a webinar on organoid models and their applications in research. Watch it on replay !

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The Institut Jacques Monod in Paris hosted a symposium on January 29, 2024, dedicated to exploring the world of cortical and spinal neural organoids, which serve as  powerful tools for studying the biology of neurons and modeling various brain diseases. This symposium - organised by the enSCORE platform with the support of DIM C-BRAINS, the Université Paris Cité, the Labex “Who Am I?”, the Institut Jacques Monod, the GDR Organoïdes, Vizgen, Stemcell technologies and Medchemexpress - offered a unique opportunity for researchers to present their work, collaborate, and delve into the latest advancements in the field.

© FC3R - The symposium took place on January 29th at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris.© FC3R - The symposium took place on January 29th at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris.

Organoids to understand and fight neurological diseases

Organoids have proven instrumental in unraveling the complexities of brain diseases, as  attested by the number of talks and posters on this topic.

Replicating nervous system complexity

Guided protocols already enable the development of brain region-specific organoids that are highly reproducible. It is then possible to combine them in assembloids to connect different regions of the nervous system. But multi-regional organoids are also emerging :

Next steps: immuncompetence and functional vascularization ?

To enhance the complexity of neural organoids, researchers are exploring the addition of other cell types, such as immune cells (microglia) and endothelial cells.

While challenges remain in generating complex brain models, the symposium showcased the immense potential of neural organoids, which are rapidly moving closer to replicating the complexity of in vivo organs. These models already provide unprecedented opportunities for studying biological and developmental processes previously beyond reach, such as the pathomorphology and behavior of living patient-derived neurons, or the early steps of neurogenesis. The future holds great promise for further advancements in this exciting field.

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3 examples of innovative approaches that have the potential to reduce and replace animal models.

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