Call for projects of the FC3R – Results publication in November 2022
With this 1st call for projects "The 3Rs in France: Collective initiatives and sharing tools", the FC3R wished to financially support French projects to be developed or in the process of being developed, aiming to Reduce, Replace, or Improve the conditions of breeding/experimentation - Refining - of animals in laboratories, through the development of structuring and sharing tools. Financial support from the FC3R was given preferentially to projects most likely to be sustainable and to impact the implementation of the 3Rs on the widest possible scale.
51 projects were submitted in the framework of this call. The Scientific Committee selected 7 projects for a total funding by the FC3R of € 260 076.
BTC : Biological Tissue Collection of pre-clinical models to rationalize biomedical research
Similar to human biobanks which make patient biopsies available for medical research, this so-called BTC project (for Biological Tissue Collection) consists in sharing, between researchers, biopsies from animal models of human pathologies. A web portal, currently in final test, will allow the database to be searched according to various criteria. It will be opened to the whole international scientific community, both academic and private. This BTC aims to (1) promote ethical and responsible research by replacing animal experiments with the use of already generated tissues, (2) save time and money by avoiding replicating experiments that have already been carried out, (3) consequently reduce the number of used animals, (4) encourage scientific collaboration through the sharing of biological material.
The project is carried out by : Nelly PIROT.
Funding allocated:
The project BTC is allocated a funding of € 47 000
Ethi.3R : To implement a MOOC and a database to improve harmonization between expertises in ethical committees and support 3R
National ethical committees (NECs) are regulatory organizations in charge of evaluation of research projects using animal use for scientific purposes. These committees are numerous in France, belonging to public and private, and spread throughout the entire territory. They are aware of the necessity to harmonize their practices and recently created the National Network of NECS (RNNECs). The call from FC3R will allow it to materialize two actions : the training of members, through e-learning, and the creation of a database making it possible to gather tools for helping ethical expertise (for instance the use of animals for cancer research, cardiac or brain diseases, etc).
The project is carried out by : Valentine BOUET.
Funding allocated:
The project Ethi.3R is allocated a funding of € 45 576
OPENBIOX : A platform for sharing functional analysis data from mouse models for basic and biomedical research
In animal research, open access data will have a major impact on the reduction of animals used and refinement of procedures, if dedicated repositories are available. OPENBIOX aims to become a platform for sharing functional analysis data from mouse and rat models, for fundamental, biomedical and pharmaceutical research. OPENBIOX will contain data from experiments in many functional areas and diseases (brain, heart, cancer, etc.); baselines data, those related to genetic mutations, pharmacological studies to discover new treatments or identify adverse effects. OPENBIOX will also contain metadata describing the conditions of acquisition, and tools for statistical and graphic representations. OPENBIOX will provide access to negative results, usually unpublished, reducing multiplication of experiments, and would allow calculation of the number of animals required. OPENBIOX will reduce the number of animals in experimentation.
The project is carried out by : Yann HERAULT.
Funding allocated:
The project OPENBIOX is allocated a funding of € 47 000
PRIMSHARE : National Network for Primate Biological Samples Donation
The 3Rs principle aims at reducing the number of animals required for scientific procedures. We propose to develop an online platform to connect laboratories and create a national network for primate biological samples donations. Organ donations at a small scale have proven the utility of using post-mortem tissue for developing biological tools, for testing alternatives methods and for validating biological procedures which would lead to the refinement of experimental procedures. Setting up a biological samples donation network at the national level will optimize postmortem tissue sharing.
The project is carried out by : Emmanuel PROCYK.
Funding allocated:
The project PRIMSHARE is allocated a funding of € 38 000
RESAMA : A Network for Monitoring Health, Husbandry and Laboratory Practices in Aquatic Research Facilities and Field Studies
RESAMA is a public research network that promotes the improvement and harmonisation of aquatic animal rearing practices. The health visits it offers help to develop understanding of diseases and good practices to reduce the number of diseased animals. It is important to control the health status of fish and amphibian rearing to reduce the number of animals required for research. For example, increasing breeding efficiency reduces the number of broodstock needed. The network develops training and community animation days by experts in the discipline for people working or studying aquatic animals so that they can refine their research practices, improve rearing techniques and better understand the health status of their animals.
The project is carried out by : Laurent LEGENDRE.
Funding allocated:
The project RESAMA is allocated a funding of € 40 000
REZOO : Application of the 3Rs and Animal Welfare in the learning of zootechnicians
The training of young people in the professions of zootechnicians seeks to promote animal welfare and the 3R rule. The project connects different European schools to promote these practices during exchanges and create a database accessible to participants. Videos are produced to share knowledge with the aim of reducing, replacing animals and refining techniques. Each year, the project will grow by integrating new schools in order to increase contributions and become more comprehensive in professional techniques aimed at improving the BEA. The confrontation during the exchanges is a source of development of new practices which contribute to the improvement and the refinement respecting even more the animals. The young people integrate and have in mind this constant search for the BEA.
The project is carried out by : Cedric GROSSI.
Funding allocated:
The project REZOO is allocated a funding of € 12 500
RIBBON : Implementation of a national platforms and biobanks network dedicated to normal and pathological organoid models
Research in biology and health requires the use of cellular models. To avoid using animals as much as possible, scientists are looking for alternative models. The ability of cultivating cells in 3D under conditions that allow the generation of self-organized cellular structures in mini-tissues, called organoids, represents a real revolution. It is now possible to obtain many types of organoids that allow studies usually performed on animals. Thus, the use of organoids will eventually be able to replace many animal models for fundamental or applied research. For the available organoid models to be identified by the scientific community, the RIBBON project aims to create a national network and a sharing tool to ensure their visibility and facilitate their use.
The project is carried out by : Laurent POULAIN.
Funding allocated:
The project RIBBON is allocated a funding of € 30 000
BTC : Biological Tissue Collection of pre-clinical models to rationalize biomedical research
Ethi.3R : To implement a MOOC and a database to improve harmonization between expertises in ethical committees and support 3R
OPENBIOX : A platform for sharing functional analysis data from mouse models for basic and biomedical research
Similar to human biobanks which make patient biopsies available for medical research, this so-called BTC project (for Biological Tissue Collection) consists in sharing, between researchers, biopsies from animal models of human pathologies. A web portal, currently in final test, will allow the database to be searched according to various criteria. It will be opened to the whole international scientific community, both academic and private. This BTC aims to (1) promote ethical and responsible research by replacing animal experiments with the use of already generated tissues, (2) save time and money by avoiding replicating experiments that have already been carried out, (3) consequently reduce the number of used animals, (4) encourage scientific collaboration through the sharing of biological material.
The project is carried out by : Nelly PIROT.
Funding allocated:
The project BTC is allocated a funding of € 47 000
National ethical committees (NECs) are regulatory organizations in charge of evaluation of research projects using animal use for scientific purposes. These committees are numerous in France, belonging to public and private, and spread throughout the entire territory. They are aware of the necessity to harmonize their practices and recently created the National Network of NECS (RNNECs). The call from FC3R will allow it to materialize two actions : the training of members, through e-learning, and the creation of a database making it possible to gather tools for helping ethical expertise (for instance the use of animals for cancer research, cardiac or brain diseases, etc).
The project is carried out by : Valentine BOUET.
Funding allocated:
The project Ethi.3R is allocated a funding of € 45 576
In animal research, open access data will have a major impact on the reduction of animals used and refinement of procedures, if dedicated repositories are available. OPENBIOX aims to become a platform for sharing functional analysis data from mouse and rat models, for fundamental, biomedical and pharmaceutical research. OPENBIOX will contain data from experiments in many functional areas and diseases (brain, heart, cancer, etc.); baselines data, those related to genetic mutations, pharmacological studies to discover new treatments or identify adverse effects. OPENBIOX will also contain metadata describing the conditions of acquisition, and tools for statistical and graphic representations. OPENBIOX will provide access to negative results, usually unpublished, reducing multiplication of experiments, and would allow calculation of the number of animals required. OPENBIOX will reduce the number of animals in experimentation.
The project is carried out by : Yann HERAULT.
Funding allocated:
The project OPENBIOX is allocated a funding of € 47 000
PRIMSHARE : National Network for Primate Biological Samples Donation
RESAMA : A Network for Monitoring Health, Husbandry and Laboratory Practices in Aquatic Research Facilities and Field Studies
REZOO : Application of the 3Rs and Animal Welfare in the learning of zootechnicians
The 3Rs principle aims at reducing the number of animals required for scientific procedures. We propose to develop an online platform to connect laboratories and create a national network for primate biological samples donations. Organ donations at a small scale have proven the utility of using post-mortem tissue for developing biological tools, for testing alternatives methods and for validating biological procedures which would lead to the refinement of experimental procedures. Setting up a biological samples donation network at the national level will optimize postmortem tissue sharing.
The project is carried out by : Emmanuel PROCYK.
Funding allocated:
The project PRIMSHARE is allocated a funding of € 38 000
RESAMA is a public research network that promotes the improvement and harmonisation of aquatic animal rearing practices. The health visits it offers help to develop understanding of diseases and good practices to reduce the number of diseased animals. It is important to control the health status of fish and amphibian rearing to reduce the number of animals required for research. For example, increasing breeding efficiency reduces the number of broodstock needed. The network develops training and community animation days by experts in the discipline for people working or studying aquatic animals so that they can refine their research practices, improve rearing techniques and better understand the health status of their animals.
The project is carried out by : Laurent LEGENDRE.
Funding allocated:
The project RESAMA is allocated a funding of € 40 000
The training of young people in the professions of zootechnicians seeks to promote animal welfare and the 3R rule. The project connects different European schools to promote these practices during exchanges and create a database accessible to participants. Videos are produced to share knowledge with the aim of reducing, replacing animals and refining techniques. Each year, the project will grow by integrating new schools in order to increase contributions and become more comprehensive in professional techniques aimed at improving the BEA. The confrontation during the exchanges is a source of development of new practices which contribute to the improvement and the refinement respecting even more the animals. The young people integrate and have in mind this constant search for the BEA.
The project is carried out by : Cedric GROSSI.
Funding allocated:
The project REZOO is allocated a funding of € 12 500
RIBBON : Implementation of a national platforms and biobanks network dedicated to normal and pathological organoid models
Research in biology and health requires the use of cellular models. To avoid using animals as much as possible, scientists are looking for alternative models. The ability of cultivating cells in 3D under conditions that allow the generation of self-organized cellular structures in mini-tissues, called organoids, represents a real revolution. It is now possible to obtain many types of organoids that allow studies usually performed on animals. Thus, the use of organoids will eventually be able to replace many animal models for fundamental or applied research. For the available organoid models to be identified by the scientific community, the RIBBON project aims to create a national network and a sharing tool to ensure their visibility and facilitate their use.
The project is carried out by : Laurent POULAIN.
Funding allocated:
The project RIBBON is allocated a funding of € 30 000
a training
a Short Note