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Regulatory course for project designers (rodents & lagomorphs)

24.03.25 - 04.04.25, Institut Pasteur

Description de la formation

This course involves a 2 week-training which is compulsory for scientists designing projects on rodents and lagomorphs. It has been approved by the Ministry of agriculture (Approval reference: I-75 Institut Pasteur-F1-14).

Thèmes abordés

- Introduction / Regulatory context of the training, Training department &
good practice and use of your licence.
- The French regulatory framework protecting the animals used for science.
- Basics of nutrition and nutritional pathology in laboratory animals.
- Genetics and laboratory mice.
- Methods of euthanasia. General principles.
- Euthanasia methods specific to rodents, lagomorphs.
- Genetic modifications in mice: classic and targeted Francina LANGA-VIVES
- Basics of pathology of laboratory animals.
- Evaluation of projects, ethical review.

Espèces concernées

lagomorphes, lapins, rats, rongeurs, souris


Informations pratiques

Formation réglementaire : Niveau 1, concepteur

Institut Pasteur

24.03.25 - 04.04.25

2 semaines

Chercheurs, concepteur, designers, post-doctorants

En anglais

Partager la formation

Autres formations

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