Unsuccessful reproduction of Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis (EAN) in C57BL/6J mice using published protocol and variations

To see the supplementary files click-on the links below:
Annexe-S1 supplemental Table-Bibliographic analysis review table of EAN protocols articles 4-24.xlsx
Annexe-S2 Supdata-ProteoGenix QC analysis P0 180-199 EAN.pdf
Annexe-S3a Supdata-CBM QC analysis P0 ProteoGenix MS report fr.pdf
Annexe-S3b Supdata-CBM QC analysis P0 ProteoGenix LC-UV-MS report fr.pdf
Annexe-S4 Supdata-CBM QC analysis P0 MCE MS LC-UV-MS report fr.pdf
Annexe-S6 Supdata-Raw data for weights and clinical scores.xlsx
S5 Supdata-S3a-3b-4 CBM QC reports translated.pdf